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Patapsco Valley State Park-Orange Grove Stream Cleanup

Patapsco Heritage Green way sponsored a cleanup of the Patapsco River in the Orange Grove Area of Patapsco Valley State Park in partnership with volunteers from Stevenson University.

On a cold and cloudy Saturday morning in the Orange Grove Area of the park, 8 volunteers helped remove 170 pounds of trash from the river and surrounding land! We found a large amount of litter and trash that was washed down the river such as bottles, cans, food wrappers and plastic bags. Some of the more unusual items washed down the river include a tire, bottles, shirts, rags, a large piece of waterlogged foam. Nature spottings include spiders, a baby toad, and a large flock of birds.

Thanks to our PHG Stream Captain Team member Justin Carlisle who helped run today’s event.

Special thanks to the students from Sevenson University who came out to help!

Great work and again, a big thank you to all our volunteers for a job well done!”

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