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Welcome from the SGA President & VP

Hey Mustangs!

President Kourtney Wells and Vice President Curtis McInnis

Welcome back to another wonderful year at the place we all call home. A special welcome to our new Mustangs who are joining our wonderful family. We hope that you all had summers filled with fun and new experiences. As we gear up for the school year ahead, the SGA wants you to know that we are here to support and encourage everyone through their endeavors. We are excited for what this year holds with so many new faces across the university.

Student Activities has exciting events and activities planned throughout the year. We encourage you to take part in these events and to get involved in creating or planning them. We highly encourage everyone to get involved with something and, if possible, take that involvement one step further and try something new. Join a club that you have not been a part of before or try a new sport- we have some great intramurals!

Additionally, make new friends and strike up conversations with the people around you. Take this year as an opportunity to get to know what Stevenson really has to offer, if you have not already. Ask questions when you have them and encourage others to do the same. We are glad that you are here and remember: "Once a Mustang always a Mustang."

Best Wishes for a Great Year,

Kourtney and Curtis

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