SGA Gains Insight in St. Louis
Are you wondering what SGA did during fall break?

We took on St.Louis, Missouri for the We Are SGA Leadership Conference. It was a great experience and we learned so much throughout the various sessions. There were a plethora of sessions encompassing issues such how to run an effective campaign to more complex issues talking about what roles SGA can play in promoting diversity, inclusion, and equity. It was very insightful to hear what other universities around the country are doing on their campuses such as York College of Pennsylvania and Kansas State University. This conference gave us some innovative ideas, networking opportunities, and motivation to come back and be the best voice for the students.

Did you think that was all? No! We had the chance to tour beautiful downtown St.Louis and visit some historical landmarks such as the St.Louis Gateway Arch, or as our senator Darell Bolding calls it "the arc". We also had a chance to participate in the conference talent show where SGA rocked the stage! We did a lip sync of the Spice Girls' 1997 hit "Wannabe" with our own Stevenson touch to it. All in all, it was a great opportunity to add to our long list of experiences in leadership.