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Senior Class, Alumni Board to Host Happy Hour for December Grads

From the first meeting of the Senior Class Council, the group began discussing events and activities that would celebrate our friends and classmates who are graduating in December. This was a challenging task as the December Graduates only have a couple of days between when finals end and commencement, and many of their friends who graduated the semester before or a semester later have already moved off campus. The Council wanted to create an event that would bring our graduates together to celebrate and to also help them in their transition to life after graduation.

The Senior Class Council met with the Office of Alumni Relations and together we came up with the idea of hosting a happy hour for December graduates. The December Graduate Happy Hour will take place at the Owings Mills Greene Turtle on December 5 from 6 to 8pm. December Grads who register for the event will enjoy free appetizers and two free drink tickets! December graduates may also purchase guest tickets.

December graduates who attend will have the opportunity to connect with alumni who have tips on life after graduation. The December Graduate Happy Hour will also feature giveaways and a chance to enter a raffle for a chance to win two tickets to attend the Stevenson Night at Camden Yards.

Register today!

Hope to see you there! It will be turtlely awesome!

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